I can't believe it. Why do we never learn? Our own planes, funded by our own taxes, are killing people in Libya. Why? What will be gained? How will Libya and the world be safer as a result? We don't have a clue. We know nothing about the 'rebels' in Benghazi and elsewhere, except that they apparently shot down their own plane yesterday. In fact we don't even know it was shot down. The video I watched showed no missile trail or tracers. It just exploded. I can't imagine this was the best serviced aircraft in the world. So ignoring for the moment whether the majority of Libyans want change (all the interviews with ordinary Libyans I've heard have said they want to keep Gaddafi), all we've done is increase chaos. Brilliant. That's what we've done everywhere else where we've interfered. Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan. Name 1 country where our brilliant leaders have created order and peace. Even Kosovo, often touted as a shining example of ...
My kids call me Grom (Grumpy Old Man). OK, pedants will know that ought to be GOM, but a Grom sounds grumpy. I started building internet businesses in the 1980s and these days invest in other peoples' start-ups. Now that less of my life is about to happen than has happened, I've got a lot to get off my chest. This blog is a series of posts about things that annoy me, things that excite me or things that just need to be said. Grumbles of a Grom... Grombles