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Genital Mutilation - This Evil Madness Must Be Stopped

If someone cut off part of your child's body, without anaesthetic, because they heard voices that told them to do it, there would be an international outcry. It would make front page news in free media throughout the world. If caught, the perpetrators would be strung up from lampposts for extreme child abuse or at the very least locked away for the rest of their sorry lives - and in solitary confinement for fear of fellow inmates finishing the job that the baying lynch mobs would have obliged the public on the outside. Evil, evil people use knives on children. Period.

But if the people who commit this horror are the child's own parents, the whole world turns a blind eye because "it's their tradition". We can't interfere with a parent's right to butcher their children if bearded nutters put the instruction in so called sacred books. Collective and total madness in the name of preserving balmy cultural heritage.

It is estimated that over 20,000 young girls in the UK are 'at risk' of Female Genital Mutilation. Nearly every Egyptian, Somalian and Ethiopian girl is mutilated by her 'loving' parents. It is believed around 140 million females are mutilated worldwide. If you can stomach it, read this.

And of course many more baby boys also undergo mutilation - totally legally, and usually without anaesthetic (in some cultures, not even when very young, but in their teenage years.... OW!!). And don't kid yourself there are good medical reasons - in fact there are plenty of bad ones. So why do we tolerate parents mutilating their children - male or female? At least the German's don't.

We MUST protect ALL children from mad parents. Tradition is NOT a defence.... for anything! As the brilliant Oscar Wilde once said, "There is no sin except stupidity".

Stop all Genital Mutilation!


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