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Newsweek's List of Brilliant 'Disruptors' - how our world will change even faster

I subscribe to Newsweek Magazine. As its name states, it's a weekly magazine broadly arranged like a blog with articles rarely longer than a few pages, covering highly topical subjects such as cyberwarfare, Trump's legacy, vaccine science and the like, all from an American perspective. I strongly recommend you subscribe at

In their Christmas 2021 issue they published a list of 50 people (or partnerships) whom they describe as 'agents for change' or 'disruptors', the most famous of whom is Elon Musk - considered the Thomas Edison of the digital age. It makes for a fascinating wander through what the world is turning into from many points of view, but especially new technologies, new politics, new awareness of the planet's fragility, new fashions, new fears and new excitements. Many of their choices raise further questions about what we are turning into such as overweight couch potatoes; superfluous actors in a world of robots and AI; screen and metaverse addicts etc, as well highlighting many of the more virtuous changes occurring such as the green revolution, inclusivity, ambitions for levelling society, and an overlying sense of fairness and of a worldwide community blind to flags, race, gender or belief.

For this post I have selected some of the more exciting businesses from their list of 'disruptors' to facilitate wider research around their innovations (I wish I had invested in some of them!). The Newsweek list focusses on the people, my focus is on what they've created with a link to their websites (it's also something to help pass the time while I isolate after a positive Covid test 😓... from which, thanks to previous disruptors who invented the Pfizer vaccine, I'm only experiencing very mild symptoms):


  1. An Affordable Bionic Hand
  2. Synthetic DNA at Commercial Scale
  3.  Medicine Delivered by Mist
  4. Communicating by Thinking
  5. Robot Medical Assistants
  6. DNA Printers to Spur Vaccine Development
  7. Altering DNA to Cure Disease
  8. Collaborative Tech to Develop Affordable Drugs
  9. Prescription Gaming for ADHD
  10. Flexible Electronics for Implants (one of their programmes)
  11. Powering Wearable Batteries with Sweat


  1. AI and Big Data to Feed the World
  2. Ecofriendly Alternative to Plastic
  3. App to Replenish Forests
  4. Eggs Without Chickens
  5. Tech Help for Food Insecurity
  6. Food Preservative Alternative to Plastic Packaging
  7. A Metaverse Platform


  1. Blockchain Payment Platform for Musicians
  2. (one of my favourites) Sponsorship Platform for Creators
  3. Marketplace for NFTs
  4. Converting High Street Fashion into Digital


  1. Detecting Emotion with AI
  2. Using Diamonds for Internet Access
  3. 3D Printed Housing




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